Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Tuesday P-Day?

Its super weird that today is P-day. I feel like we are being disobedient... But hey no worries. I'm excited to go to the temple in a couple three hours :)

So We had a super sweet zone training meeting this last week. It was great. Learned some sweet techniques and we are going to be using them for the rest of ever. Its always a good time to learn from other great missionaries! Oh and I also made a cake. It turned out pretty good I think. Atleast that's what everyone said so maybe they just didn't want to hurt my feelings? Who knows.

This next week is going to be crazy. Today is p-day, Tomorrow is exchanges and District meeting, and Thursday is Interviews with the mission president. So it'll go by super fast I'm sure. And before you know it I'll be right back here emailing from the same library. Good times

Rest In Peace to my Childhood dog. He was a great Dog and always chose my brothers room when he had to go to the bathroom. I appreciated that and he will definitely be missed by me and my family. His legacy will be survived by Nala.

I know that we are going to go bowling today so ill let you know if I won or not. Its kinda weird because only our zone has p-day today and so there isn't a lot of missioanries to do things with like a normal p-day... so no basketball for us. But no worries.

Yours Truly!

ELder Carter

Monday, April 17, 2017


Has anyone looked back at their last 5 weeks and realized you have no idea what happened. Yeah that's me. Which is too bad because I bet we did some pretty cool stuff.

My wonderful mother sent me a sweet package this week. There was some good chocolate in them eggs ;).

In other news Gordman's went out of business and so they are closing all the stores here... so we had to go and buy stuff before it was all gone. But we were to late. They pretty much only had boring clothes there or super weird so we didn't get too much... 

But hey our ward mission leader loves golf and he is going to take us to the country club that he is a member of either next week or the week after. Its going to be sweet. Its a super nice course and so we will have a ton of fun I'm sure. Not to mention he's like super hilarious. so that's a plus.

As far as Investigators go, we met with one of our sweet investigators this last week. Her name is June. We have taught her like 3 times. She is like a religion fanatic. She studies anything and everything; shes like in some bible classes for a college and just enjoyed everything about religion. We gave her a book of Mormon 3 weeks ago and she has been reading and has some of the most studious questions. Like I wouldn't even ask them... and ive read it like 20 times... But the other cool thing is she lives right by one of our members. So hopefully they will be able to help June continue to learn the gospel.

This week will be our Zone Training week. Which will be fun. I'm going to make a cake because its my missionary birthday that day! so that's kind of fun.

For future notice, next week our P-day will be on Tuesday. We have a temple trip and so they move our p-day because the trip is supposed to be on p-day but the temple isn't open on Mondays. So yeah don't expect an email from me on Monday next week !

Love you all!
Elder Carter

Monday, April 10, 2017

Easter Greetings

So I don't know if anyone has seen the Jim Gaffigan Comedy piece where he talks about holidays but we have been talking about that a lot here. So he talk about how Illogical the easter season is....
 What can we do to celebrate the saviors resurrection?
 How bout eggs???
ummm What does that have to do with Jesus?
Alright we'll hide 'em.
I don't follow your logic.... (just watch the video its funny.)

This last week was Transfers and I got a New companion! I stayed here in Omaha. My New Companion is Elder Boswell! He is from Tooele Utah. Hes been out for a little less than a year. Hes a funny guy and we will have a great time together! I'm excited for this new transfer.

Hopefully you all have seen the new Easter Initiative. If not here is the link...https://www.mormon.org/
Watch it or we can no longer be friends.

So I heard that my sister's are both super awesome, Savanna Got 4th on her Solo in clogging! Congrats to her! And my other sister Katie Just won another tennis match! Soon she will take over the state.

This last Sunday was super crazy. We went to church for 6 hours... One of our investigators, Jonas, wanted to come to church but he could only make it for the ward that goes before ours. So we went with him. It was super good. And then we went to our ward. So we were at the church for such a long time... Makes fast sunday go by much faster though. So that was nice! Also our bishop asked us to be in the ward choir. So we also do that Which is nice because I like singing anyways.

This transfer is going to be crazy... Interviews Zone Conference, Zone Training, and temple trip all in 6 weeks. So that will be super fun! I'm excited :) Also I'm sure my mom is keeping track but Its Mothers Day this transfer too! so ill get to see many of you soon!:)

Well I love you all! (unless you didn't watch the video)

Elder Carter

Monday, April 3, 2017

General Conference


Yay Pocatello Idaho Temple!!! How exciting!

General Conference was the BOMB. I'm sure I've said it before but general Conference is like the missionary vacation. Just get to sit back and listen to inspired people speak all day. I really thought this conference was one of the best ones in a long time. I especially liked the one by Yoon Hwan Choi About drinking the rain. Its a pretty awesome analogy about trials. Plus like the music was super sweet

But its always inspiring to hear from the leaders of the church. Hopefully we will be able to keep in remembrance the things that they taught us.

Last P-day we played a little bit of tennis... But it wasn't too much. We mostly just hit around. I was pretty fun but Man I have lost a lot of my former skills haha. Plus its hard because we weren't taking it too serious and I'm just super competitive so that doesn't mix very well. But still we had a good time.

This next week is transfers! I really doubt I will be transferred but you don't really ever know. I hope that the next transfer will be a good one like this one has! It seems to go faster and faster each transfer. Crazy that already 1 year ago I finished my training. Now I still feel as clueless as I was back then! But at least I have practice :P

I love being a missionary!

After all that has been said, the greatest and most important duty is to preach the Gospel -Joseph Smith

Love you all!

Elder Andy Carter